Saturday, 19 May 2012

It's not looking good...

Today, after work, I decided to take a drive out to the fabled tree from my previous blog entry. You may recall me mentioning that I'd spotted a lay-by on Google Earth that seemed pretty close by so I thought I'd check it out! Especially as this weeks photo challenge is 'Trees'.

Much to my disappointment, the lay-by was definitely not close enough for me to quickly jump out, set up, and take a few photos. It would have meant parking much further away, and walking for the best part of 40 minutes to get anywhere near to where I'd need to be, and then walking all the way back! Sadly I didn't have time for this, also I didn't really fancy doing it in a suit!

If the weather holds up tomorrow I'll be going for a walk with Nicky, my partner. Either around Coombe Abbey, or Ryton Pools. If not, then I'm sad to say that this will probably be the first photo challenge I've missed since the start of this year!

The best I can do is show it to you on Google! (lol!) Obviously doing it no justice whatsoever! It's currently surrounded by a sea of blossoming rapeseed flowers, and the tree is the only thing that breaks the sea of yellow for what seems like miles! It really does look awesome.

Anyway, I've told Nicky that when we both get a day off we'll have to park up on a nearby housing estate and make the walk. I WILL photograph this tree!

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